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Friday, Mar 1, 2019 7:30PM
Stanley Clarke
The Shedd Institute is extremely pleased to present the legendary 4-time Grammy Award-winner bassist Stanley Clarke in concert at its own intimate, acoustically-exquisite Jaqua Concert Hall. For over 45 years Clarke has proven his preeminence on both acoustic and electric guitar. This will be his 4th Shedd-sponsored stop and second at Jaqua.

Item details


Friday, Mar 1, 2019 7:30PM


Shedd Jaqua Concert Hall


Stanley Clarke



The Shedd Institute is extremely pleased to present the legendary 4-time Grammy Award-winner bassist Stanley Clarke in concert at its own intimate, acoustically-exquisite Jaqua Concert Hall. For over 45 years Clarke has proven his preeminence on both acoustic and electric guitar. This will be his 4th Shedd-sponsored stop and second at Jaqua.

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